TARGIT Chart API NuGet Package

A chart is a visual representation of data.

It could be a bar chart, cross tab or a gauge. It could also just be a plain white number on a colored background.

Traditionally, TARGIT Decision Suite has provided several standard charts, such as the ones mentioned above.

After selecting measures and dimensions for a data object, switching between such standard charts has always been quick and easy.

Should you wish to view your data as, say, a pie chart that looks like an actual real-world pie or as a bunch of green pulsating dots on an animated radar screen, you would not have been unable to do. Until now.

Creating and using custom chart is made available for C# developers through our TARGIT Chart API NuGet package, free of charge.

Through our chart API, a C#/Wpf developer can create custom data object types that literally look like anything you could think of, and effortlessly make them available to end users of TARGIT Decision Suite.

Got any TARGIT Chart API Question?


Version: 0.256.0
Author(s): TARGIT Core Development
Last Update: Friday, October 28, 2016
.NET Fiddle: Create the first Fiddle
NuGet Url: https://www.nuget.org/packages/TargitChartApi

Install-Package TargitChartApi
dotnet add package TargitChartApi
paket add TargitChartApi
TargitChartApi Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)






