UWP Menu Bar NuGet Package

This project aims to reimplement the classic menu bar component as a UWP library.

Currently the library has the following features:

## Menu Bar

The main component is the Menu Bar, which defines a container which can hold Menu Bar buttons, and an optional area which can be used as a drag area for a title bar.

It also holds the hover behaviour for opening menu bar items on hover when another one is opened.

## Menu Bar Buttons

These can either have a dropdown (like a menu bar) or are standalone buttons, which can be used for revealing a SplitView. They're also AccessKey aware, meaning users can activate them via `alt + access key`.

Additionally, they can either display a label or an icon from the built in Segoe MDL2 icon font.

## Menu Bar Item / Menu Bar Toggle Item

These are essentially very small wrappers that wrap the equivalent `MenuFlyoutItem` in order to reduce the default padding on them.

The padding can be increased / decreased via the normal methods still.

Got any UWP Menu Bar Question?


Version: 1.0.0-beta3
Author(s): rymate1234
Last Update: Monday, May 15, 2017
.NET Fiddle: Create the first Fiddle
Project Url: https://github.com/rymate1234/UWPMenuBar/blob/master/README.md
NuGet Url: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Rymate.Controls.UWPMenuBar

Install-Package Rymate.Controls.UWPMenuBar
dotnet add package Rymate.Controls.UWPMenuBar
paket add Rymate.Controls.UWPMenuBar
Rymate.Controls.UWPMenuBar Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)





