PDF4NET for Mobile NuGet Package

PDF4NET is a .NET library for generating and importing PDF documents on the fly from any .NET application.

The library does not rely on any Adobe products for creating and importing PDF files. It hides the complex structure of PDF files behind a simple object model that allows creation of complex PDF files or import of existing PDF files with a few lines of code. It supports a wide set of features, ranging from simple PDF creation to form filling, content redaction, complex color conversions or digital signatures.
The PDF4NET library can use either a grid based layout approach allowing precise positioning of content on document's pages or a flow based layout making the generation of complex documents a breeze. The final PDF file is compressed, making the library appropriate for web applications.

The library can be used from iOS, Android and Xamarin.Forms applications without any restrictions, the source code being fully portable between platforms. The library is written entirely in C#, being 100% managed.
The PDF4NET library is licensed per developer and can be distributed ROYALTY FREE, reducing your project costs.
The complete list of features is available here: https://o2sol.com/pdf4net/features.htm

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Version: 14.0.2
Author(s): O2 Solutions
Last Update: Wednesday, May 1, 2024
.NET Fiddle: Create the first Fiddle
Project Url: https://www.o2sol.com/pdf4net/overview.htm
NuGet Url: https://www.nuget.org/packages/O2S.Components.PDF4NET.Mobile

Install-Package O2S.Components.PDF4NET.Mobile
dotnet add package O2S.Components.PDF4NET.Mobile
paket add O2S.Components.PDF4NET.Mobile
O2S.Components.PDF4NET.Mobile Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)






