ExpertPdf PdfCreator - Pdf Library for .NET Core x64 NuGet Package

ExpertPDF Pdf Creator SDK is a full featured .NET Core, .NET 5, .NET 6, .NET 7 pdf library.

It offers enhanced HTML to PDF conversion capabilities, RTF to PDF conversion, PDF merge and split, PDF encryption and digital signatures, bookmarks, and many more.

General features

- Add texts and image elements to the PDF documents and templates
- Render multipage images (TIFF) to PDF
- Add graphic elements like lines, rectangles, ellipses, circles, Bezier curves
- Create bookmarks for the PDF document
- Merge and split PDF files and streams with MergePdf and SplitPdf classes
- Create links to internal and external resources in the PDF document
- Create file attachments
- Create text notes
- Rotate PDF document pages
- Add viewer preferences
- Add document description
- Add fonts and color directly from .NET Font and Color structures

Pdf security

- Add ordinary digital signatures
- Set user and owner passwords
- Encrypt PDF document content
- 40 and 128 bit encryption keys
- Set PDF document permissions (print, edit, copy)

Html to pdf conversion

- Place the HTML to PDF conversion result in any position in PDF document
- Set the width and height in PDF of content rendered from HTML
- Add several html elements in the same document in any position
- Possibility to get the bounds of the rendered content in each rendered page
- Set the transparency for the rendered content
- Rotate the rendered PDF content
- Add HTML in templates that can repeated on each page of the PDF document
- Add HTML in header and footer of the PDF document

RTF to pdf conversion

- Place the RTF to PDF conversion result in any position in PDF document
- Set the width and height in PDF of content rendered from RTF
- Add several RTF elements in the same document in any position
- Possibility to get the bounds of the rendered content in each rendered page
- Set the transparency for the rendered content
- Rotate the rendered PDF content
- Add RTF in templates that can repeated on each page of the PDF document
- Add RTF in header and footer of the PDF document.

Got any ExpertPdf PdfCreator - Pdf Library for .NET Core x64 Question?


Version: 18.1.0
Author(s): Outside Software Inc.
Last Update: Monday, December 4, 2023
.NET Fiddle: Create the first Fiddle
Project Url:
NuGet Url:

Install-Package ExpertPdf.PdfCreator.NetCore.x64
dotnet add package ExpertPdf.PdfCreator.NetCore.x64
paket add ExpertPdf.PdfCreator.NetCore.x64
ExpertPdf.PdfCreator.NetCore.x64 Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)






