Constellation.Feature.SitemapXml NuGet Package

Constellation is a collection of utilities for .NET CMS implementers.

The Feature.SitemapXml namespace contains Http Handlers which intercept the request before it hits Sitecore.

The /robots.txt handler returns
a basic document stating that all agents have access to the sitemap.xml file. (there is an option to explicitly deny all agents as well).

For /sitemap.xml, the request is passed to a Sitemap Generator, which uses a Crawler to identify which Items to put in the resulting
XML document. The Generator also uses a Node class to parse the Items to identify what information belongs in each of the Items' records
in the XML output. Because this document can be expensive to generate, there is a built-in caching mechanism.

This library supports "global" defaults in the Sitecore *.config files, as well as Site-specific settings.

The system will function on a basic level "out of the box".

Developers are encouraged to extend/replace the crawler and node classes for their
solution and/or individual Helix Projects within the solution to better suit their needs.

Warning, your web.config must have a system.webServer/handlers section, and that section must have at least one handler in it (an "add" element) in order
to install this package successfully. If you're using the default Sitecore web.config this won't be an issue. The handlers provided in this package must be
inserted at the top of the stack of handlers.

Configured for use with Sitecore 9.0.
Requires Sitecore 9.0 NuGet packages, available here:

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Author(s): Richard J. Cabral
Last Update: Friday, April 27, 2018
.NET Fiddle: Create the first Fiddle
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NuGet Url:

Install-Package Constellation.Feature.SitemapXml
dotnet add package Constellation.Feature.SitemapXml
paket add Constellation.Feature.SitemapXml
Constellation.Feature.SitemapXml Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)





