CSharpToTypescript2 NuGet Package

Transpiles dto.cs files into dto.ts files.

Including simple calcualtions.
It is based on Roslyn. So, potentially can transpile code of any complexity but currently intended (and tested) only for simple data transfer classes and simple calculations.
It is compatible with dotnet cli and dotnet watch in particular.
As input takes:
1. List of input folders with cs files (your dtos)

Output folder
and some other things. See example configuration file.
While the tool is the best of C# to Typescript generators I have seen (TypeLite, Typewriter, etc) it does not produce self sufficient set of dto files. The initial setup is more complex than of mentioned tools in exchange of much greater flexebility.
I will try to provide enough information for it to use but it may be not sufficient.

In such a case please consult the working example with the transpiler integrated here: https://github.com/alehro/AspNetCoreSpa
Since the transpiler by itself doesn't have public repo please feel free to post its issues to the demo SPA project: https://github.com/alehro/AspNetCoreSpa/issues
The setup documentation is currently attached to version 1.1.2 here: https://www.nuget.org/packages/CSharpToTypescript2/1.1.2
Or the same: https://github.com/alehro/AspNetCoreSpa/blob/master/README_Cs2Ts.md.

Got any CSharpToTypescript2 Question?


Version: 1.1.9
Author(s): Alexander Khromov
Last Update: Sunday, November 27, 2022
.NET Fiddle: Create the first Fiddle
NuGet Url: https://www.nuget.org/packages/CSharpToTypescript2

Install-Package CSharpToTypescript2
dotnet add package CSharpToTypescript2
paket add CSharpToTypescript2
CSharpToTypescript2 Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)





