NuGet Packages By Dependencies

Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of utility classes and extension methods for .Net. It includes code to help with tasks including encryption, compression, serialization, file management, email, image manipulation, SQL, various file formats (CSV, iCal, etc.), randomization, v...
With this extension, the event broker can be used to fire events to event brokers in remote processes.
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OSharp.Core.Data.Entity [3 dependencies]

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Reminiscence [3 dependencies]

Simple cross-platform memory mapping for .NET/Mono.
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for falcor. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: ea1030269b50762d8b259e233a50e42953cda0de].
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FSharpLu F# Utility libary [3 dependencies]

Utilities and .Net library wrappers for F#
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XmlToPox [3 dependencies]

Convert XML to plain old XML (POX) and query it using XPath.
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SpecDrill [3 dependencies]

SpecDrill - An opinionated automated testing framework based on Selenium WebDriver
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BlobService.Core [3 dependencies]

BlobService.Core library for hosting blobservice on-permise
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Retyped.aurelia-loader [3 dependencies]

Aurelia Loader (aurelia-loader) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
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Fabric.Platform.Shared [3 dependencies]

Package Description
Orchard Core Framework is an application framework for building modular, multi-tenant applications on ASP.NET Core. Abstractions for Email.
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MicBeach.Cache [3 dependencies]

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IRO.Storage [3 dependencies]

Simple key-value storage for client applications.
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OrchardCore [3 dependencies]

Orchard Core Framework is an application framework for building modular, multi-tenant applications on ASP.NET Core. Implementation of OrchardCore modular, multi-tenant ShellHost
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Sqreen.Core.Modern [3 dependencies]

Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlParser provides T-SQL parsing functionality.
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Athene.Extensions [3 dependencies]

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KR.Auth.Data.Entity [3 dependencies]

Free TON Client for Blazor