NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Griffin MvcContrib [3 dependencies]

* Zero code localization. You don't even have to use the [Display] attribute. * A MembershipProvider that uses the DependencyResolver and a few interfaces to make it easier to understand. * Better HtmlHelpers which lets you modify the HTML tags before they are written to the view. Read the homepa...
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Rolstad.Extensions [3 dependencies]

Common extension methods
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Xemio GameLibrary [3 dependencies]

Super awesome Indiegame library.
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Candor.WindowsAzure [3 dependencies]

Currently Supports Azure SDK 2.2. Azure SDK 3.x support will come after RTM. Proxies around the Azure Storage v2.0.0 API, TableEntity, CloudTable, and CloudQueue; making it simpler to use Azure within a repository.
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FluentSharp - Xml [3 dependencies]

FluentSharp is an API that dramatically simplifies the use of .NET Framework APIs. This is the FluentSharp Moq which simplifies the use of the System.Xml and System.Xml.Linq APIs
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Sprache.JetBrains [3 dependencies]

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Parser Base Class. [3 dependencies]

Parser Base Class.
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Umbraco ModelsBuilder [3 dependencies]

Umbraco ModelsBuilder.
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Xamariners.Core [3 dependencies]

Xamariners.Core is a library of common classes and helpers.
Steeltoe management endpoints
.NET Core RSA algorithm using the help tool.It supports data encryption, decryption, signature and verification signature.It supports three key formats, namely: xml, pkcs1, pkcs8.It also supports key conversion for these three formats.Last also support pem formatting.
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Console.Host.Abstractions [3 dependencies]

ConsoleHost library makes writing simple and testable .NET console apps easier.
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Expression Parser for .NET [3 dependencies]

This is a fork of the TFPExpressionParser that is included in the Free Pascal Compiler Project. I modified the excellent code of Michael Van Canneyt to compile in Oxygene. I made some modifications to simplify the library and make it more in line with the .NET guidelines. (e.g. TDateTime functions...
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HelperKit [3 dependencies]

Small library of general purpose utilities for .NET development that almost every application can use.
Package Description
Provides interfaces and base classes for the simple workflow framework in DevAccelerate.
.NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android) bindings for Google Play Services library ''. N/A
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CPObjects.Infrastructure [3 dependencies]

Package Description
Package Description
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Beiyuan.Docs.Domain.Shared [3 dependencies]

Package Description