NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Common.Logging.Log4Net1211 [3 dependencies]

Common.Logging library bindings for Log4Net 1.2.11 logging framework.
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VSSDK.Text.12 [3 dependencies]

This package provides the Visual Studio "Text Editor" reference assemblies used by Visual Studio 2013 and newer. Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Data.dll Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Logic.dll Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.UI.dll Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.UI.Wpf.dll
Develop large and complex web apps in teams, harnessing design-time features of Visual Studio, and the power of C# language. Use classes, enums, interfaces, delegates, lambda expressions, extension methods, generics, ref and out parameters, anonymous objects, collection and object initializers, bas...
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AecFramework Security [3 dependencies]

AecFramework Security
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LibP2P.Crypto [3 dependencies]

LibP2P Crypto
Component Models to use the Server Management API of Jobbr Server
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BlubLib [3 dependencies]

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Lucene.Net.Sandbox [3 dependencies]

Various third party contributions and new ideas extensions for the Lucene.NET full-text search engine library from The Apache Software Foundation. Documentation: This package is part of the Lucene.NET project: https://www....
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TBB.Activity.Abstraction [3 dependencies]

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HuLib.AccPac [3 dependencies]

HuLib AccPac components
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dot.EX.Common [3 dependencies]

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HQ.Remix [3 dependencies]

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Pact.Fhir.Core [3 dependencies]

Pact core for interaction with FHIR resources
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YouSubtle.Enumerables [3 dependencies]

AK47 Framework MCS.Library.SOA.DataObjects.Security
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Feliz.Recoil [3 dependencies]

Fable bindings for Facebook's recoil.
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Cybtans.Refit [3 dependencies]

Integrates Cybtans binary serializer with Refit
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MimeTypeMapOfficial [3 dependencies]

Huge dictionary of file extensions to mime types
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Vanara.PInvoke.SetupAPI [3 dependencies]

PInvoke API (methods, structures and constants) imported from Windows SetupAPI.dll.