NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Boleto.Net [3 dependencies] is a library developed for use in Brazil, given it has been programmed with Brazilian retail legislation and business rules for bank registered billing integration. Boleto.Net é um componente desenvolvido em C# e ASP.Net e contempla as seguintes funcionalidades: Emissão e Impressão de Bo...
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ArcGISSilverlight-Bing [3 dependencies]

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Logging [3 dependencies]

Provides a simple logging interface for applications and some basic implementations of this interface.
Common the e-commerce domain functionality
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Mono.Debugging [3 dependencies]

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CodeProbe [3 dependencies]

Metrics and code probing facility.
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Nito.Comparers [3 dependencies]

The last comparison library you'll ever need!
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opennetcf-restconnector [3 dependencies]

A lightweight .NET Standard (1.3) library for simplifying making REST calls
EasyArchitect BO ServerComponent
Provides contract types for event sourcing pattern.
A .NET library for intercepting server-side HTTP dependencies.
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Voguedi.Ddd [3 dependencies]

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Ascon.Pilot.DataClasses [3 dependencies]

DTO for Ascon Pilot System
Request and response models for http sending
Extensions for Asp.Net Core to address cross-cutting concerns for web applications.
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JoySoftware.NetDaemon.App [3 dependencies]

A application daemon for writing automations for the free open source home automations software Home Assisstant written in .net 5. This is the base app capabilities.
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NMS.DynamicDictionary [3 dependencies]

Package Description
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Tiny.CodeTable [3 dependencies]

Tiny Code table