NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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MediatR.Extensions [3 dependencies]

Handy extensions for MediatR
Definitionen für den eXTra-Standard 1.3
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Fay Logging [3 dependencies]

This library contains the definitions of a delegate based logging API that can be used as a facade for an existing logging framework.
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XPath2.Extensions [3 dependencies]

Non-official extensions for XPath2.dll (generate-id, base64encode, base64decode, json-to-xml and json-to-xmlstring)
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Wikiled.Text.Inquirer [3 dependencies]

Wikiled Inquirer Library
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Cauldron.Win32.MonitorInfo [3 dependencies]

Provides properties and methods for getting information about the monitor.
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CatalystFire.Ignition [3 dependencies]

An extensible framework for integrations with the NetFORUM AMS.
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EGI.Foundation.Utils [3 dependencies]

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Bam.Net.Data.SQLite [3 dependencies]

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ADSFramework.Sql [3 dependencies]

Target: net40; netstd13 | ADSFramework components for simplifying RDB interactivity
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Auc.EventBus [3 dependencies]

Package Description
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SigSpec.Core [3 dependencies]

Specification and code generator for SignalR Core.
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Sara Logging C# [3 dependencies]

Sara-Logging is a thread-safe abstract logging framework. With a pipeline that can feed multiple log writers. Log messages can be processed asynchronously on a background thread, freeing up the producer. Or synchronously on the producer thread, in the case of critical messages. Unhandled excepti...
Abstractions and public interfaces for a descriptive algebraic data type for C#.
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BetterRead.Shared.Domain [3 dependencies]

Package Description
An abp application module that provides payment service.
Package Description
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Mars.Mathematics [3 dependencies]

This package provides helpful methods and algorithms to handle math computing tasks. It contains implementations for vector and matrix models, mutliple distributions and random number generators as well as several generic distance functions. For more details how...