NuGet Packages By Dependencies

FunScript binding for angular_1_0 (BETA version).
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Data [3 dependencies]

数据库连接组件, 2种连接方式,分别为: 基于fluentData3和基于EnterpriseLibrary6
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Microsoft.DocAsCode.Glob [3 dependencies]

Package Description
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Chuma.AlphaMS.Config [3 dependencies]

Shared components for MSDeploy-based deployment packages.
Integrate with Azure DevOps Server 2022 and Azure DevOps Services from desktop-based, ASP.NET, and other Windows applications. Provides access to the Release Service via public REST APIs.
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Monkey.NetCore.Db [3 dependencies]

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Prometheus.Abstrations [3 dependencies]

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Revo.Platforms.AspNet [3 dependencies]

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Cave.Compression [3 dependencies]

The compression library is a modified version of the MIT version of SharpZipLib.
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Acb.Core.Model [3 dependencies]

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Thunder.Standard.Lib [3 dependencies]

# Thunder.Standard.Lib Basic lib for standard. Inculde list: - Extensions - Enum - Description to string - value to enum - string to enum - Json string and object convert tow way - List to ObservableCollection - INotifyPropertyChanged automatic convert property name - Object ...
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K4Channel [3 dependencies]

Package Description
An extension to the Standard Toolkit, which supports .NET Framework 4.6.2 - 4.8.1, .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5 - 7. This package implements additional extensions to standard dialogs. This package supports all .NET Framework versions starting .NET Framework 4.6.2 - 4.8.1, .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5 - ...
Package Description
Package Description
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Mcma.Aws.Serialization [3 dependencies]

Package Description
Package Description