NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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FM.IceLink.Net20CF [2 dependencies]

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KdTree [2 dependencies]

Generic multi-dimensional binary search tree.
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Orc.CrashReporting [2 dependencies]

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Arcane.EventSourcing.Core [2 dependencies]

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SyncSoft.App.JsonNet [2 dependencies]

An app framework for SyncSoft Inc.
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EdIlyin.FSharp.Elm.Core [2 dependencies]

Brings to the F# Elm language core package modules like Json.Encode, Json.Decode, Basics, Debug, Result, Tuple, etc
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MilNet.Web.Mvc.Table [2 dependencies]

Common tools to create tables for ASP.NET MVC applications
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SFML.Net Graphics [2 dependencies]

Graphics module of the SFML.Net library
Xamarin.Android bindings for Android Support Library - support-emoji
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EasyRpc.DynamicClient [2 dependencies]

Client library that for EasyRpc.AspNetCore
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Convey.Persistence.Redis [2 dependencies]

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CrossPlatformLiveData [2 dependencies]

CrossPlatformLiveData - Android Jetpack LiveData inspired cross platform implementation for Xamarin
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PipelineR [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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C1.Win.C1SplitContainer [2 dependencies]

SplitContainer for WinForms is a container control for resizable docked panels that allows you to dock multiple panels to either side of the container control.
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NetComms [2 dependencies]

Network Communications library for .NET projects
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Cybtans.Entities.EventLog [2 dependencies]

Provides event publisher implementation for entity changes
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Plinth.HttpApiClient [2 dependencies]

HTTP Api Client framework built on MS HttpClient
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CK.MQTT.Common [2 dependencies]

Common implementations of CK.MQTT.Client and CK.MQTT.Server.
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Kugar.Storage [2 dependencies]

Package Description