NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Google.Apis.People.v1 [2 dependencies]

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Sancho.Client.Core [2 dependencies]

Package Description
Base interfaces for DataOnion. This is a separate, small package allowing DataOnion to be added to client projects without all the implementation dependencies. To contribute or for more information visit
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NuGet.Build.Tasks [2 dependencies]

NuGet tasks for MSBuild and dotnet restore.
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MoinHelper [2 dependencies]

有azure的存储帮助类库 有缓存等帮助类,jsonhelper,随机数,上传文件类库 ,url等 帮助
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MicroNetCore.Collections [2 dependencies]

Collections for MicroNetCore.
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EfCore.GenericBizRunner [2 dependencies]

Library to run business logic when using Entity Framework Core for database accesses
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CKSetup.Core [2 dependencies]

Core implementation of CKSetup.
KubeClient contribution to simplify work with CustomResources
Microsoft Office Interop Assemblies
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Clinia.FluentMailer.Core [2 dependencies]

Send emails very easily. Use razor templates, smtp, embedded files, all without hassle. This is a Base Package and includes just the domain model, very basic defaults, and is also included with every other Fluent Mailer package here.
Package Description
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DevSkill.Core [2 dependencies]

Core Library
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Connect.Common [2 dependencies]

This package contains common are shared code in between Connect.Oauth and Connect.Protobuf libraries and both of them are dependent on this
Provides a decorated wrappers for 24SevenOffice SOAP APIs that handles license information utilizing ISessionInfo.
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Salvador.UseCases [2 dependencies]

Use Cases Abstractions
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Fusee.Serialization [2 dependencies]

Fusee Serialization
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Service.Extensions.Sql [2 dependencies]

Extensions to provide consistent configurations and patterns for your service.
.NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android) bindings for Google Play Services library ''. N/A