NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Trustsoft.WideHotkeys [2 dependencies]

A managed library to handle global (system-wide) hotkeys for .NET 3.5/4.0/4.5. NOTE: Do not install this package directly, instead you should install either the Trustsoft.WideHotkeys.Wpf or Trustsoft.WideHotkeys.WinForms package.
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Xinchen.DbUtils [2 dependencies]

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Grafile Utilities [2 dependencies]

Core library for grafile media packages designer support
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Sphyrnidae Helper [2 dependencies]

Modifies web.config for external deployments (trust=full)
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Ximo [2 dependencies]

Ximo is a toolset of selected extensions and utilities to assist with learning/development tasks revolving around domain driven design, CQRS and Event Sourcing.
Implements the XMPP IoT concentrator as defined by the IEEE XMPP IoT Interface working group. The concentrator interface allows a device to manage a set of internal virtual devices, all sharing the same XMPP connection.
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NCoreUtils.Logging [2 dependencies]

Sink based logging provider implementation.
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Rit.Framework.Core [2 dependencies]

Define based classes of Framework as BaseAggregateRoot, CommandBus, EventBus ...
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Umbrella.DynamicImage [2 dependencies]

This package contains come common features shared by other Umbrella.DynamicImage.* packages such as image URL generation and parsing capabilites as well as caching mechanisms for in-memory and physical disk.
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LdapForNet [2 dependencies]

Porting of OpenLdap native lib for .NET Core. Library is cross platform. Also supported KERBEROS (passwordless) authentication!.
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Orleans.Streams.Utils [2 dependencies]

Streaming utilities for Microsoft Orleans.
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Tool [2 dependencies]

Tool By Eadily
DigitalFlare Oxy. XInstance factory components and utilities.
Adds support for InternalsVisibleTo as an ItemGroup allowing you to annotate assemblies that should be able to see internals of given assembly. Adds support for AssemblyMetadata as an ItemGroup allowing you to set assembly metadata easily through msbuild
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Risersoft.AppFx.Business [2 dependencies]

Appfx Business Package
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Apache.Thrift.NET [2 dependencies]

Apache Thrift .NET
IDisposable helper types.
Package Description
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COMPIC.Libs.Convert [2 dependencies]

Package Description