NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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RequestReduce [2 dependencies]

RequestReduce allows any IIS based website to automaticaly sprite background images into a single optimized PNG as well as combine and minify CSS and Javascript with absolutely no coding beyond a few config tweaks. RequestReduce excercises common best practices when serving its javascript, css and s...
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Beetlejs.Mvc [2 dependencies]

MathCore Library - Linear Algebra
JetBrains Timeline Src Standalone Package Version 212.0.20210603.141323-eap02
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Cuemon.Serialization.Json [2 dependencies]

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Loyc.Math [2 dependencies]

Additional functionality beyond `System.Math` in `MathEx`; generic geometry interfaces and structures (points, lines, rectangles); numeric interfaces and "trait" types for doing arithmetic in generic code; fixed-point structures; 128-bit integer arithmetic. Contributors welcome: looking for things t...
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QiaoHY.XBodhi.UIBase [2 dependencies]

XBodhi 框架的 UI 的基础库,只应用于 .NET FRAMEWORK
A .NET object model for the Swagger spec and Newtonsoft.
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WizardWrx.AssemblyUtils [2 dependencies]

Classes for Documenting and Managing Assemblies
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FastExcelCommon [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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QM.DotNetCore.Apollo [2 dependencies]

1.2.0: 重构日志功能,支持自定义日志输出 1.2.1: 修复HttpClient默认超时错误的问题 1.3.0: 优化初始化时不能连接上metaserver的等待时间 1.3.1: 修复QueryString连接错误 1.4.0: 修复issure #18、添加SourceLink、更新包 1.5.0: 使用.ConfigureAwait(false)替代AsyncHelper来解决同步调用异步方法出现的死锁问题 1.5.1: 添加MultiConfig,支持合并多个IConfig 1.5.2: Apollo内部HttpClient允许使用自定义HttpMessageHandler,比如...
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NOHJ.GRID.Lansen [2 dependencies]

Helpers and services for C# development.
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Qiuxun.Data.MongoDb [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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Dramarr.Core [2 dependencies]

Core library for Dramarr
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Gemstone.Expressions [2 dependencies]

GPA Gemstone Expressions Library
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Ecng.Configuration [2 dependencies]

Ecng system framework System Framework is a comprehensive collection of system classes designed for the development of connectors under the StockSharp platform.