NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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IKVM.OpenJDK.Corba [2 dependencies]

IKVM.OpenJDK.Corba, Version=7.2.4630.5, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=13235d27fcbfff58
My package description.
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NETools [2 dependencies]

Add some extensions and tools to .NET
Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. When using NuGet 3.x this package requires at least version 3.5.
a ton bugs. just for test.
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Google.Cloud.Spanner.V1 [2 dependencies]

Low-level Google client library to access the Google Cloud Spanner API. The ADO.NET provider (Google.Cloud.Spanner.Data) which depends on this package is generally preferred for Spanner access.
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TodoFwk.NetStd.DataAccess [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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HQ.Lingo.Descriptor [2 dependencies]

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HiFramework.Assert [2 dependencies]

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Chiliad.EfCore [2 dependencies]

Package Description
EonLib. Dependency XInstance-components.
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Awv.Automation.Generation [2 dependencies]

Used as a foundation for randomly generated objects and values.
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SCGraphTheory.Abstractions [2 dependencies]

Core graph theory interfaces, to allow for graph algorithms that do not depend on a particular graph representation.
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Library.TypeTool [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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Diga.Core.Api.Win32 [2 dependencies]

Win32 - Api Imports
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HCGStudio.DongBot.Core [2 dependencies]

A Universal ChatBot engine, supports QQ.
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Kasra.MessageBus.Sinks [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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Net4Sage SDK [2 dependencies]

SDK for Sage MAS 500 develoment in C#