NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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TestStack.FluentMVCTesting [2 dependencies]

Simple, terse, fluent unit testing of ASP.NET MVC Controllers. ASP.NET MVC 5 version; install FluentMVCTesting.Mvc4 if you are using MVC4 or FluentMVCTesting.Mvc3 if you are using MVC 3.
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JavaScriptModel [2 dependencies]

javascriptmodel is a .NET library to transfer data to JavaScript or execute js-functions from .NET server-side code (C#, VB.NET) as embedded json on the website
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ePunkt.Utilities [2 dependencies]

ePunkt common library
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TestFirst.Net [2 dependencies]

Testing library providing a fluent tdd/bdd testing approach. Easily extended and integrated into your own testing tools (nunit, xunit, moq, etc). Encourages the creation of easier to read and maintain testing code via the use of fluent builders for scenario's, given/when/thens, Moq verification,...
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Bricks.Sync [2 dependencies]

Contains concepts that are used in synchronization tasks.
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DanielAHill.Reflection [2 dependencies]

Lightweight reflection helper library with emphasis on speed by reducing reflection calls through caching and inline compilation.
Contributions to the Headless Chrome .NET API 🌐🧪 ✔️ PuppeteerSharp.Contrib.Extensions is a library with extension methods for writing tests with the Puppeteer Sharp API. ✔️ It provides a convenient way to write readable and robust browser tests in .NET 📄
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OnePoint.Common [2 dependencies]

OnePoint Global Common Library
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DEM.Net [2 dependencies]

glTF3D and STL exporters for DEM.Net
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GLSLhelper [2 dependencies]

Helper classes for parsing shaders and log files and for include support
Collection Mapper for RavenDB
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Rapid.Object [2 dependencies]

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LetPortal.Core [2 dependencies]

LETPortal is a web platform to build quickly application form, grid data, data list, chart, report, users management. The project is open-source project. There are no fee charged to use or modify.
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MentKit.ZooKeeper [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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NetDevPack [2 dependencies]

.NET DevPack is a set of common implementations to help you implementing DDD, CQRS, Specification Patterns and another facilities
Package Description
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Parme.CSharp [2 dependencies]

Package Description
The Definitions of different drawing attributes like colors, line styles, etc. It also contains definitions of a node class, an edge class, and a graph class. By using these classes a user can create a graph object and use it later for layout, and rendering.
Abp data dictionary module.