NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Slugify [2 dependencies]

Simple Slug / Clean URL generator helper for Microsoft .NET framework.
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Keen .Net SDK [2 dependencies]

Keen IO is an analytics API for modern developers. Track any event: signups, upgrades, impressions, purchases, powerups, errors, shares... Keen IO stores events in arbitrary JSON format, automatically ingesting any new events and rich custom properties you send. Our elegant query APIs make it straig...
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Gutshot.Essentials [2 dependencies]

Some essential tools to make the developer life easier as Extensions methods, helpers and serializers.
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aliyun-net-sdk-ecs [2 dependencies]

Alibaba Cloud SDK for .NET
This package provides the functionality to utilize the features of Syncfusion Xamarin.iOS NumericTextBox control and more.
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Incoding Web [2 dependencies]

Web library containing abstractions, helpers and MVD/CQRS controller functions of Incoding Framework
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Ubiety.Dns.Core [2 dependencies]

Flexible DNS library for .NET
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Paging.NET [2 dependencies]

Paging.NET is a basic toolkit which provides incremental server-side data loads.
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ijw.Next.Maths.Distance [2 dependencies]

Package Description
Provides communication capabilities with ASP.NET Core SignalR clients through Azure SignalR Service directly. The capabilities include sending messages to all/clients/users/groups and managing group membership. For more information, see
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CG.Logging.Abstractions [2 dependencies]

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GS.BuildingBlocks.Queries [2 dependencies]

Este pacote oferece rotinas para as validações de tratamento do usuário e sua acessibilidade dentro dos sistemas da Otacom.
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Dapr.Actors [2 dependencies]

This package contains the reference assemblies for developing Actor services using Dapr.
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HardwareInformation [2 dependencies]

.NET 5 Cross-Platform Hardware Information Gatherer
This is an extension module for Zayni Framework's Middle.Service module. It define the http request entities for Middle.Service.HttpCore and Middle.Service.HttpCore.Client.
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Inferno.Types [2 dependencies]

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AspCore.DataAccess [2 dependencies]

Package Description
Siemens Module Multek(超毅接口集成) - Domain