NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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FubuMVC.Katana [2 dependencies]

Run FubuMVC applications using Katana and OWIN
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VelocityDB [2 dependencies]

High performance and availability, scalable and very flexible pure .NET database. Using VelocityDB saves time and money for all software requiring reliable, high performance data persistence. Any .NET object can be efficiently persisted and retrieved within ACID transactional scope. The use of Veloc...
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Concepta.Base.Service [2 dependencies]

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System Extensions [2 dependencies]

The .Net framework common extensions.
Microsoft.Recognizers.Text.NumberWithUnit provides robust recognition and resolution of numbers with units expressed in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Chinese, German, Dutch, Italian, Turkish, and Hindi.
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The Agency theme [2 dependencies]

Orchard Core CMS is a Web Content Management System (CMS) built on top of the Orchard Core Framework. Orchard Core CMS theme adapted for agency websites.
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Waher.Security.PKCS [2 dependencies]

Contains classes and tools for working with Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS).
A package containing some commonly used extensions for Types in C#.
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LeoPetri.Common [2 dependencies]

Some common functions and extensions that i use.
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Dcp.Net.MQ.Lib [2 dependencies]

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RevStackCore.Pattern.SQL [2 dependencies]

Extended C# Design Pattern class library for SQL
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Unmockable [2 dependencies]

Inject wrappers around unmockable objects. Use *Unmockable.Wrap* to wrap and *Unmockable.Intercept* to intercept calls to the unmockable object.
Invalid image [2 dependencies]

Package includes dynamic libraries and binaries The Intel® MPI Library is a multi-fabric message passing library that implements the Message Passing Interface, version 3.1 (MPI-3.1) specification. Use the library to develop applications that can run on multiple cluster interconnects. The Intel MPI ...
Interfaces for generic repository and generic unit of work patterns
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AspNetSerilog [2 dependencies]

Serilog logger for AspNet web applications. Handler request, response and exceptions.
Package Description
A Serilog sink that writes events to NewRelic Logs API.
An abp application module plastic.
MinoriEditorStudio is an application shell similar in concept to the Visual Studio Shell. This uses AvalonDock and has an MVVM architecture based on MvvmCross.
Contains the Hot Chocolate GraphQL schema stitching abstractions.