NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Thunder.NHibernate [2 dependencies]

Implementação do método AllQueryable.
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Psns Common Web Adapters [2 dependencies]

Adapters that enable decoupling of existing System.Web components.
A type-safe HTTP client for .NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android)
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KBI.HELPERS [2 dependencies]

Use Azure Blob and Table Storage as the read store and data store in CQRS.NET. This version is targeted at .net 4.0 using WindowsAzure.Storage version 7.2.1
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DotNetCraft.Common [2 dependencies]

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GenericApi [2 dependencies]

Generic WebAPI and Repository for AspNetCore 2.0
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AspNetPerformanceMetrics [2 dependencies]

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RPoney.Framework [2 dependencies]

RPoney基础核心库 1.DES加密算法 2.MD5算法 3.类型转换 4.SHA1哈希算法 5.字符串扩展方法 md5扩展 javascriptSerizlizer 序列化,反序列化封装 trim扩展 6.16进制转化算法封装 7.反序列化字符串长度太长时报错处理
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SF.Common.UserGroups [2 dependencies]

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CronScheduler.AspNetCore [2 dependencies]

The Cron based Scheduler for AspNetCore 2.x/3.x/5.x/6.x Applications in Kubernetes/Docker. This is a lightweight alternative to Quarts Scheduler or HangFire.
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Hx [2 dependencies]

cshx infrastructure libary
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AWSSDK - SimpleEmailV2 [2 dependencies]

This is the first release of version 2 of the Amazon SES API. You can use this API to configure your Amazon SES account, and to send email. This API extends the functionality that exists in the previous version of the Amazon SES API.
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WebView2 Interop [2 dependencies]

Interop for Microsoft WebView2 control
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Fasterflect.Reflect [2 dependencies]

Reflection library that achieves greater performance than the built-in .NET reflection.
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GR.Backup.Abstractions [2 dependencies]

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Pik.Metro [2 dependencies]

A toolkit for creating Metro / Modern UI styled WPF apps.
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Wjire.RPC.Common [2 dependencies]

The common of Light-weight RPC Frameworks based on DotNetty.基于DotNetty的轻量级RPC框架common
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ZemberekDotNet.LM [2 dependencies]

Provides a language model compression algorithm.