NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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silverlight.unittest.wp7 [2 dependencies]

Silverlight unit testing framework for Windows Phone 7
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WP7Contrib.Net [2 dependencies]

WP7Contrib communication assemblies, for simplifying commuinication (HTTP) with application servers. Contains the following assemblies: WP7Contrib.Communications.dll
Standard JetBrains ReSharper code annotation attributes implementation
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Pattern matching [2 dependencies]

Pattern matching implementation
Device SDK for Azure IoT Devices
The package is a part of the Saritasa Tools project. Saritasa.Tools.Common contains various utilities and extensions for DateTime conversion, strings manipulation, validation utils (Guard), parse with default, flow (memoize, retry), collection processing (chunk select), atomic (CAS, swap), strings h...
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BmgBreeze.Core [2 dependencies]

Breezejs Server Core infrastructure For netstandard 2.0
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FileSystemAbstraction [2 dependencies]

FileSystemAbstraction provides a filesystem abstraction layer. Inspired by Gaufrette (PHP) : The filesystem abstraction layer permits you to develop your application without the need to know were all those medias will be stored and how. Another advantage of this is the possibility to update the fi...
Package Description
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Op.Serilog [2 dependencies]

Serilog integration for the Opeartions framework
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Blazored.Modal [2 dependencies]

A powerful and customizable modal implementation for Blazor applications.
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FluentSocket [2 dependencies]

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Dbosoft.Functional [2 dependencies]

Functional helper library based on language.ext.
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Blockcore.Networks.Stratis [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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QUANTUM [2 dependencies]

The core of quantum framework
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Aiwins.Rocket.Quartz [2 dependencies]

Package Description
An abp application module plastic.
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Com.H.Data [2 dependencies]

API to help simplify, among other things, dynamic data mapping between various data sources and data models.