NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Purplelight.Framework.Core [2 dependencies]

Productivity enhancements to the core .NET Framework
Part of the Coding4Fun Toolkit with only the Storage library. It provides an easy to use wrapper open and save data via serialization.
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for chai-jquery. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 49e00c423a63b6e5b00cf0105c5fe6a2ac57336b].
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MPAndroidChart [2 dependencies]

A Xamarin binding for MPAndroidChart by Philipp Jahoda
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I-Synergy.Entities.Core [2 dependencies]

Package Description
Function returns an Azure CloudTable reference for a table named entities
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Tms.Web.Framework [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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RH.Persistence [2 dependencies]

This DLL allow us to build a persistence layer to use a session, in this package, we integrated NHibernate, we use QueryCriteria and AutoMapper to facilitate the Mapping, it integrate Fluent NHibernate
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Bix.WebApi.Core [2 dependencies]

ASPNETCORE WebApi support for Bix
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Asmodat.Standard.SSH.NET [2 dependencies]

This is .NET5.0 release of Renci SSH.NET library, which old nuget package is currently causing issues when publishing projects that inlude it due to old references.
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ReqRest.Serializers [2 dependencies]

NetModular logging with serilog for GenericHost
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Mcs.Web [2 dependencies]

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AspNetCore.Tools [2 dependencies]

This library provides a bunch of useful methods for working with AspNetCore applications: automatic registration of services, middlewares and model binders, automatic generation of model binder providers, tools for switching from Ugly Fat Controllers to Nice Skinny Controllers, and much much more!
Package Description
Classes for filing the results in a SARIF log file as work items in a system such as GitHub or AzureDevOps.
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pillont.CommonTools.Core [2 dependencies]

Commun helper
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Melnik.Net.Core [2 dependencies]

Core for Melnik.Net.Client and Melnik.Net.Server
Eventso subscription interfaces for implementation in applications