NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Orleans.Bus [2 dependencies]

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InceptionCache.Core [2 dependencies]

Multi-layered cache manager
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InputHelper.Android [2 dependencies]

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FluentSpotifyApi.Core [2 dependencies]

Core functionality for the FluentSpotifyApi libraries.
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DTIControls [2 dependencies]

A content management system for WebForms. Bootstrap compatible, built in image manager and drag and drop image uploading. Includes jquery UI tools, data binding and data accessor layer. Can be used with SQL server, mySQL or SQLite. Uses SQLite by default.
Private analyzers specific to Roslyn repo. These analyzers are not intended for public consumptions outside of the Roslyn repo.
This is the instruments communications library.
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XWidget.Cryptography [2 dependencies]

REST communication adapter Automata
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NetRemoteStandard [2 dependencies]

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Arcus.WebApi.Security [2 dependencies]

Provides capabilities to easily build Web APIs running in Azure.
Package Description
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DataAccess.Core [2 dependencies]

This is a common contract strategic solution wich can be used to access any kind of data source, using LINQ syntax and mainly to DBMS storages, with the help of ORMs Nhibernate, Entityframework ecc.) or maybe using an underlying infrastructure which is specialized to underlying data source like Mong...
Hooks, utilities and helpers to allow caching
Drone Flight Logging Database Layer
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Solyanka.Cqs.Abstractions [2 dependencies]

Abstractions for handling commands and queries