NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Egelke.EHealth.Client.Pki [2 dependencies]

PKI tools useful for eHealth
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FluentSharp - WatiN [2 dependencies]

FluentSharp is an API that dramatically simplifies the use of .NET Framework APIs. This dll contains the a Fluent API for WatiN (via ExtensionMethods)
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CB.Data.CRUD.Common [2 dependencies]

The common framewok for crud action. Temp release.
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JetBrains.SymSrv [2 dependencies]

Provides primitives for encryped connections.
The message packing of MowaInfo Protocol Buffer Socket. It's a partial of MowaInfo.ProtoSocket.
Utitity classes for the Peloponnese Process Manager.
App Metrics Formatters for health check results to plain text.
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Bottle [2 dependencies]

Package Description
Add RouteDebuggingLogger to your AspNetCore app and behold in relieve as it explains to your Logger what routes AspNetCore.Mvc has identified. ``` public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env) { if (env.IsDevelopment()) { app .UseDeveloperExcepti...
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IRO.Mvc.PureBinding [2 dependencies]

Alternative model binder for mvc. Same to [FromBody], but can take several parameters. Allow you not to create a model for each method, where you need to two or more parameters.
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MagisIT.ReactiveActions [2 dependencies]

C# framework for writing large real-time applications using reactive data with scaling in mind
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AppImpact.Dal [2 dependencies]

App Impact Data Access Library.
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C1.Blazor.Input [2 dependencies]

Input provides specialized editors including auto-complete, combo-box, text-box, and a custom drop-down.
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CA.Blocks.DataAccess.Model [2 dependencies]

Package Description
Contains generic data used by the ZEISS PiWeb API. The ZEISS PiWeb API nuget depends on this package.
User: Domain Module
Modern, powerful open source C++ class libraries for building network- and internet-based applications that run on desktop, server, mobile and embedded systems.