NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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dojo Source [2 dependencies]

This is the dojo source file. This is what you would use for development or modifying default behaviors. Do not use this in production without building. The util folder is also included for the ability to create builds.
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SQLitePCL.pretty.Async [2 dependencies]

Provides an asynchronous API for executing and observing the results of SQLite queries.
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Qodesk Service Client [2 dependencies]

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SeedTactics Order API [2 dependencies]

This package contains the order plugin API for SeedTactics, which is used to communicate orders between the ERP and the SeedTactics software.
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Retyped.uglify-js [2 dependencies]

Uglify JS (uglify-js) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
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NEvilES [2 dependencies]

.Net Evil Event Sourcing Core
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Thrzn41.Util [2 dependencies]

Utils that are used in thrzn41 projects.
TypeCobol Language Server Robot common classes and features.
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Elivo Helper [2 dependencies]

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Daybreaksoft.Pattern.CQRS [2 dependencies]

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Emzi0767.Common [2 dependencies]

Assortment of various common types and utilities for Emzi0767's projects.
Byte- string- and other extensions to keep the flow up!
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Neocom.Promise [2 dependencies]

Package with Promise extensions to provide Functional Programming style. Inspired in Elemar Jr articles and pluralsight courses.
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FHIR VRDR Death Record [2 dependencies]

A library for producing and consuming VRDR FHIR death records.
Package Description
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ToyBricks.Core [2 dependencies]

Package Description
Abp Extension
Modern, powerful open source C++ class libraries for building network- and internet-based applications that run on desktop, server, mobile and embedded systems.