NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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ELFSharp [3 dependencies]

C# library for reading binary ELF, UImage, Mach-O files
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scalejs.functional [3 dependencies]

Functional programming extension for scalable JavaScript application. Defines functions such as curry, partial, etc. Also defines computation expression builder (aka monad)
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Win32Interop.Gdi32 [3 dependencies]

Provides interop methods, structs, and enums for gdi32.dll.
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FileSage [3 dependencies]

FileSage will tell you MimeTypes details in just one line of code: FileSage.Wisdom.Ask(); Think of it as an information repository of the most commonly used MimeTypes on the web. Note: Right now, the collection of Mime Types are limited. The only ones included are those that I am curr...
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NEventStore-Signed [3 dependencies]

此程序包包含适用于 ASP.NET SignalR Core 的简体中文附属程序集。
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Cake [3 dependencies]

The Cake script runner.
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protobuf-portable-net [3 dependencies]

Protocol Buffers is the name of the binary serialization format used by Google for much of their data communications. It is designed to be: small in size - efficient data storage (far smaller than xml) cheap to process - both at the client and server platform independent - portable between different...
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CocoaSharp.ObjectiveC [3 dependencies]

Basic ObjectiveC header stubs for the C# CocoaSharp project.
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Cormo [3 dependencies]

.NET application development framework that brings both Spring and the CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection) spec from Java EE (specifically its implementation by JBoss Weld) into .NET development.
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Reposify [3 dependencies]

A generic C# .Net Repository with a primary focus on testability.
.NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android) bindings for Google Play Services library ''.
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DotNet.Standard.NParsing [3 dependencies]

DotNet.Standard.NParsing .Net Standard Class Library
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Faithlife.Reflection [3 dependencies]

Helpers for reflecting over .NET types.
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Clawfoot.Core [3 dependencies]

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Aries.DynamicApi [3 dependencies]

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Ackee.Application [3 dependencies]

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Nuclear.Channels.Data [3 dependencies]

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