NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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NDde [3 dependencies]

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Mapsui [3 dependencies]

Mapsui - Library for mapping
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DbUp SQLite Support [3 dependencies]

DbUp makes it easy to deploy and upgrade SQL Server databases. This package adds SQLite support.
Reports Module / eXpandFramework. To debug in VS enable Source Server support under Tools/Options/Debugging.
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VSSDK.GraphModel [3 dependencies]

This package provides the Visual Studio "Graph Model" reference assembly used by Visual Studio 2013 and newer. Microsoft.VisualStudio.GraphModel.dll
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FSharp.Azure.Storage [3 dependencies]

A library that provides an idiomatic F# API for Microsoft Azure services.
This library enables .NET Framework applications to use Microsoft Azure Key Vault with Always Encrypted in Microsoft Azure SQL Database and Microsoft SQL Server. The library includes the column master key store provider that allows client applications to access data when a column master key is store...
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LVMS PortableRest [3 dependencies]

A *SIGNED* library for consuming REST APIs from Portable Class Libraries (.NET 4.5, Silverlight 5, Windows Phone 8.x, and Windows 8.x). Designed to be partially drop-in compatible with RestSharp.
Provides interfaces for types in System.IO.FileSystem: Directory, File, FileSystemInfo, DirectoryInfo, FileInfo, FileStream, SafeFileHandle.
Access token validation middleware for JWT and reference tokens issued by IdentityServer3, based on JWT 5, Owin 4 and IdentityModel 4
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Lemon.Common [3 dependencies]

Lemon dotnet常用方法类库
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Microsoft.ML.TensorFlow [3 dependencies]

Microsoft.ML.TensorFlow contains ML.NET integration of TensorFlow.
Package Description
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ES.Ascom.Alpaca.Client [3 dependencies]

This package provide classes, interfaces, ... allowing to send request to ASCOM Alpaca devices
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ZCJ.HashedWheelTimer [3 dependencies]

Package Description
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Sitko.Core.Consul [3 dependencies]

Sitko.Core is a set of libraries to help build .NET Core applications fast
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Yawat [3 dependencies]

Yet another WebApi tester is a .Net standard 2.1 assembly that can be used with test frameworks like NUnit to run tests against a web api.
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Aptacode.Geometry [3 dependencies]

High performance .net geometry library