Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on [Core Unit Testing Framework]

Total dependencies: 110

Package Description
Package to use SpecFlow with xUnit 2.4 and later is a developer testing framework, built to support Test Driven Development, with a design goal of extreme simplicity and alignment with framework features. Installing this package installs xunit.core, xunit.assert, and xunit.analyzers.
Xunit Snapshooter is a flexible snapshot testing tool for .Net unit tests with Xunit. It creates and asserts snapshots (json) within Xunit unit tests.
Useful tools when unit testing applications that use Entity Framework Core. See readme file on github.
Created on 2021-02-14 15:55
Package Description
Created on 2021-02-14 15:30
Created on 2021-02-14 15:30
Created on 2021-02-14 15:55
Created on 2021-02-14 15:55
Created on 2021-02-14 15:55
Package Description
Allows for a [RetryFact(n)] or [RetryTheory(n)] attributes to be placed above tests in XUnit. This can be used to re-run a failed test up to n times, allowing for transient failures (e.g. network related) to be tolerated.
Package Description
Package Description
Extensions for ordered testing with Xunit. Full support for ordering at all levels - test collections, test classes and test cases. Support for AssemblyFixture including IMessageSink injection and IAsyncLifetime. Supports .NET Core 1.x, .NET Core 2.x. and .NET 4.5.2+
The xUnit test output sink for Serilog
Provides base classes to help with testing applications written with Sharp Architecture using xUnit.
Pluggable foundation blocks for building distributed apps.