Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ComponentModel.Annotations

Total dependencies: 2861

Provides an easy way to implement Smart Enums and Value Objects.
Core component for Inetdev Framework Std.
Software framework for supporting coding best practices.
All tools, extensions and interfaces for DataBus
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
ETL Framework for .NET
Cross-platform build automation system Signed by from repository '' commit '1b7919295cb9cac9eccc00871c6d1b8bc1bed375' (see contained AppVeyorSettings.json file for build settings).
A library containing several extensions that aim to standardize and extend the .NET Framework component model functionality.
A library containing several extensions that aim to standardize and extend the .NET Framework functionality.
Simple functionality for Dapplo.HttpExtensions
An OAuth extension for Dapplo.HttpExtensions
# EventFlow ![EventFlow logo](./icon-128.png) ``` $ dotnet add package EventFlow ``` EventFlow is a basic CQRS+ES framework designed to be easy to use. Have a look at our [getting started guide](, the [do’s and don’ts](https://docs.geteventflow.n...
Aggregates the most used Kephas infrastructure to provide a . Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services: - AmbientServices - Data: IIdGenerator, DefaultIdGenerator. Kephas Framework ("stone" in aramaic) aims to deliver a solid infrastructure for applications and application e...
A library extensions to simplify HTTP usage.
Core reusable definitions for .NET Core and .NET Framework
ASP.NET Core MVC metadata and validation system using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations. This package was built from the source code at
Common assembly containing common classes and extensions.
Fast lightweight data access library for .NET Core (micro-ORM): simple API for CRUD operations, dynamic queries, SQL commands generation (command builder), abstract queries that have simple string representation + parser, schema-less data access, flexible query results mapping to annotated POCO mode...