Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETFx Guard

Total dependencies: 37

Strong-typed static reflection via Reflect: // Void static method MethodInfo cw = Reflect.GetMethod( () => Console.WriteLine); // Instance void method MethodInfo mi = Reflect<IView>.GetMethod(v => v.Show); // Boolean returning instance method MethodInfo pi = Reflect<IViewModel> .GetMethod<b...
The provided adapter pattern allows to convert any object to any other supported type, as provided by the registered adapters. This package provides the actual implementation of the service. It should only be added to the bootstrapping component of your application. ...
Provides an implementation of the message store pattern using Entity Framework code first
Implements an event store using Entity Framework, with event payloads persisted using the configured serializer.
Provides a command registry that executes commands with registered command handlers. Typically used in CQRS-style arquitectures.
Implements the core NETFx ISerializer interface using Json.NET serializer.
Implements the core NETFx ISerializer interface using a Json.NET serializer.
Provides the implementation of a reactive extensions event stream, allowing trending and analysis queries to be performed in real-time over the events pushed through the stream.
Tests for netfx-System.TypeInheritance
An implementation of WPF ICommand that allows passing delegates/lambdas for the implementation.
Tests for netfx-System.Windows.Input.DelegateCommand
Allows calling Invoke on the WPF Dispatcher object passing Action and Func<T> lambdas instead of the built-in Delegate untyped parameter.
Adds XmlDecode extension method to strings. Uses XLinq for the decoding, making it compliant with .NET handling of strings in XML attributes and elements.
Adds XmlEncode extension method to strings. Uses XLinq for the encoding, making it compliant with .NET handling of strings in XML attributes and elements.
Implements the core NETFx ISerializer interface using the .NET framework System.Xml.XmlSerializer
A Json.NET-based MediaTypeFormatter for the WebApi that can handle text-based Json as well as binary Json (Bson). To use: var config = HttpHostConfiguration.Create().UseJsonNet();
Provides the IEventStream interface of a reactive extensions stream, allowing trending and analysis queries to be performed in real-time over the events pushed through the stream, as well as flexible subscription models.
Allows inspecting the exact type inheritance tree as declared in source, rather than the flattened view that reflection provides (for implemented interfaces, for example). Enables code to determine what are the interfaces implemented directly by a type rather than a base class, as well as determine...
Only two APIs are provided: the IAdapterService and its facade extension method As in the Adapters type. You can chose to use the former service directly instead of the convenience extension method. You don't lose any testability in doing either way, although yo...