Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Apache log4net

Total dependencies: 3011

Store objects on the file system using the SimpleRepository API
Provides the tools and classes to update and manage applications broken into packages. Includes the update-server and simple api-key security providers. Supports Mono.
Logging extensions for Unity IoC
Library that supports the use of log4net with WCF
.Net Bridge-Implementation. Implementationation of the .Net Bridge Interface Allows the communication between .Net tools and the OpenEngSB
Implementation of the .net Bridge that can communicate with OpenEngSB 3.0.0
Common files
Migrate databases using .net.
A .NET 4.5 library which adds an extension for the MicroLite ORM Framework to use log4net as the logging library.
Micua Core
A simple appender for
This is utility library for proggasoft projects.
EHFUtility is a library to simplify EHF-related tasks in .NET. Use this utility to validate EHF/PEPPOL-documents using DIFIs validationservice, send PEPPOL-documents, and perform SMP and SML lookup
The easy way to embed and inject JSON configuration in your .NET assemblies.
A simple package for using Caller Info Attributes in projects targeting .Net framework version 4.0 to log errors to a specified file. It also uses the log4net package. The inspiration came from a DotNetCurry article so my hats off to them. No copyright infringement intended.