Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on libsodium

Total dependencies: 18

Provides modern cryptographic algorithm implementations for .NET based on libsodium. Commonly Used Types: NSec.Cryptography.Aes256Gcm NSec.Cryptography.Blake2b NSec.Cryptography.Chacha20Poly1305 NSec.Cryptography.Ed25519 NSec.Cryptography.HkdfSha256 NSec.Cryptography.X25519
libsodium for .net core
ASP.NET Core Identity IPasswordHasher implementation using Argon2
IOST Blockchain SDK for C#. SDK to create a wallet, upload a Smart Contract, or use the IOST blockchain for application integration
DataSpreads! security and cryptography helpers.
.NET Standard 1.3 implementation of the Noise Protocol Framework (revision 33 of the spec)
libsodium for .net core modified to work with the SQRL Protocol
libsodium for .net core
libsodium for Xamarin
A secure cryptographic library
A .NET wrapper for the XChaCha constructions and APIs provided by the libsodium crypto library.
c# wrapper for libsodium-1.0.16
Package Description
Texnomic Sodium Library.