Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on jQuery

Total dependencies: 1540

this is a simple jQuery plugin for cascading drop downs with the following features: filling a single drop down depending on multiple drop downs. adding extra arguments. specifying a request type (GET or POST). specifying a function to be executed before starting the request. specifying a function ...
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Include jquery.dragster.js in page. Works in IE. $('.element').dragster({ enter: function (dragsterEvent, event) { $(this).addClass('hover'); }, leave: function (dragsterEvent, event) { $(this).removeClass('hover'); }, drop: function (dragsterEvent, event) { ...
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knockout binding for opc web
jQuery plugin that locks mouse wheel scroll inside container, preventing it from propagating to parent element
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Completely styleable, jQuery-driven form element replacements (select, radio, checkbox) that work cooperatively with their native counterparts to mimic the expected user experience for both mouse and keyboard interactions.
Template de upload, visualização e download de arquivo.
A dropdown built from list so that it can handle more functions. for example subscript, superscript and bold.
Joshua 3.0 SEO plugins
Tiles Web Control Library