Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on dotNetRDF Meta-package

Total dependencies: 44

Package which allow integrating dotNetRDF with System.Data.DataTable
Provides support for using OpenLink Virtuoso as a backend triplestore with dotNetRDF
Provides a framework for building RDF-powered web applications and web APIs.
.NET implementation of an RDB2RDF storage based on R2RML mapping file
Provides Full Text SPARQL support as a plugin for the dotNetRDF Leviathan SPARQL Engine using Lucene.Net
.NET implementation of an RDB2RDF storage based on R2RML mapping file
.NET implementation of an RDB2RDF storage based on R2RML mapping file
Enterprise ready object mapper for developing RDF knowledge graph applications with .NET
A library which provides a full SPIN implementation using dotNetRDF's Leviathan SPARQL engine
Utility for walking of JSON and XML for merge and diff proposes
The COLID AWS library containing functions for AWS related operations.
The triple store library used by the services of the COLID (Corporate Linked Data) project.
The IIB.ICDD framework provides functions to open, create, validate, edit, export containers defined by ISO 21597-1:2020.
A simple tool to create NTriples from XML or JSON data.
F# type providers for RDF and SPARQL. GraphProvider generates types from a schema or sample RDF graph. UriProvider generates Uri properties for IRIs in RDF vocabularies. SparqlCommandProvider and SparqlQueryProvider provide some type safety for SPARQL.
Web Exploration Model: crawlers, crawler reports, web analytic console, web loader, web crawler experiment setup...
Web Business Intelligence library of imbVeles Framework. Currently supports Web Site Classification using different Semantic Similarity and TF-IDF computation, kNN, Neural Networks, mSVM and Naive Bayes
Natural Language Processing libraries of Veles project, Core and Data namespaces dealing with lexic resources, pipeline decomposition and other NLP stuff
BrightstarDB is a fast and scalable NoSQL database for .NET with code-first data model generation. This package installs the BrightstarDB libraries alone without any code-generation support. integration with triple stores using dotNetRDF.