Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on ZedGraph

Total dependencies: 17

Emgu CV is a cross platform .Net wrapper to the OpenCV image processing library. Allowing OpenCV functions to be called from .NET compatible languages such as C#, VB, VC++, IronPython etc. The wrapper can be compiled in Mono and run on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, iPhone, iPad and Android devices.
Histograms, scatterplots and tabular data viewers for scientific applications. This package is part of the Accord.NET Framework.
Bonsai Visualizers Library containing base visualizer classes and editor infrastructure.
ZedGraph is a class library, user control, and web control for .net, written in C#, for drawing 2D Line, Bar, and Pie Charts. It features full, detailed customization capabilities, but most options have defaults for ease of use.
Machine Learning model for classifying gaming screenshots to determine a gaming match outcome.
All tools to modify image (resize, crop, change in gray, draw on it, ...) and analyse it (face recognition, qr code and barecode decrypt, ...)
Manage user for applications. Can scan internet to have some more details
Package Description
OCR using Tesseract, ImageMagick and EmguCV and an advanced query language. See the GitHub page for language documentation.
ZedGraph is a class library, user control, and web control for .net, written in C#, for drawing 2D Line, Bar, and Pie Charts. It features full, detailed customization capabilities, but most options have defaults for ease of use.
UI for Droid.People
Package Description