Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Xbim Common

Total dependencies: 4

xBIM Essentials provides support for IFC2x2, IFC2x3, IFC4 Addendum 2 and IFC Alignment (IFC4x1). xBIM can open, create or modify any IFC file format, including XML, STEP21 and IFCZIP formats. All programmatic access to IFC Entities is through a single interface, allowing one code base to work ...
Implementation of the IFC4 schema, including Add1, Add2 + Alignment schemas.
Provides support for spreadsheet serialization/deserialization of data stored in xBIM model generated from EXPRESS schema
Provides support for the COBie implemented as EXPRESS schema on top of xBIM Toolkit. Allows COBie data sources to be read, queried, created and updated in similar manner to how IFC is with Xbim.Ifc4/Ifc2x3