Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Xamarin.Swift4.OS

Total dependencies: 11

Xamarin.iOS binding Library - Mapbox Navigation
Xamarin.iOS binding Library - Adyen
VoxeetSDK implementation for Xamarin
A Xamarin library to provide access to FaceTec's ZoOm iOS SDK - 3D Face Login + TrueLiveness
biid is a mobile identity platform that secures and protects digital infrastructures while allowing users to easily authenticate online, authorise transactions, sign legal documents and provide consent, all in accordance to the new eIDAS, GDPR, PSD2 and Open Banking requirements in Europe and intern...
Xamarin bindings for iOS HyperTrack.
Bringing Voxeet's Conferenkit to Xamarin.Forms
Ensighten iOS Plugin is a tag management solution that allows marketers to quickly deploy marketing technology tags in Xamarin iOS apps in real-time, without relying on lengthy development cycles.
Bringing Voxeet SDK to Xamarin.iOS
VideoID SDK for iOS
This package is bridging the Voxeet's Toolkit/ConferenceKit calls.