Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Xamarin.Forms

Total dependencies: 1874

Access the native instance at runtime from any Xamarin.Forms Control or Layout . Downcast the UIKit.UIView received from iOSAsync on iOS and the Android.Views.View received from AndroidAsync on Android to it's specific native instances and change them.
Simple tools to help prevent reinventing the wheel.
Nice looking HSV color picker for Xamarin Forms with alpha and hex support.
An ecommerce framework for SyncSoft Inc.
ElottieSharp.Forms is a Lottie animation view for Xamarin.Froms.
This is a fork of the Microcharts repository for the MoneyFox project due to some blocking issues with the current package. Feel free to use this package and send PR's. We will do our best to create pull requests back to the main repository as soon as they have time again.
Full screen image viewer(Xamarin.Forms) that includes "pinch to zoom" and "swipe to dismiss" gestures.
Regular Polygonal Frame for Xamarin Forms with rounded corners and shadows
Add notches and corner radii to the Xamarin Forms previewer for speedy design time feedback about how your appp will look on various notched devices.
DelSole.MVVMSpecial is a lightweight MVVM framework for Xamarin.Forms
DryIoc implementation for Xam.Zero
A custom stepper for Xamarin Forms with round + / - buttons and a value displayed in between them. Max value, increment value, button color and label color can all be customised.
Xamarin.Forms plugin to crop and rotate photos.
This package includes a "no-frills" data grid that can be used in Xamarin Forms applications.
DCMS is a SaaS based fast consumer solution for distributors of China Resources Snow Beer China Limited (Xi'an) branch. Both of them are meeting the fast changing needs of regional marketing management business. Android xamarin is used as the client app/ Xamarin.Forms Support all the latest Android ...
DCMS is a SaaS based fast consumer solution for distributors of China Resources Snow Beer China Limited (Xi'an) branch. Both of them are meeting the fast changing needs of regional marketing management business. Android xamarin is used as the client app/ Xamarin.Forms Support all the latest Android ...
this plug for xamarin for dialog
Allows you to use Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection with fluent syntax in xamarin