Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Xamarin Android Support Library - recyclerview-v7

Total dependencies: 262

A simple Android's Floating Action Button that shows an anchored Navigation View and was inspired by Menu Material Fixed created by Tommaso Poletti
Show furigana japanese character in xamarin.Forms
Convenience library to handle different view types with different presenters in a single RecyclerView.
A Xamarin.Forms view for rendering Markdown strings intelligently on Android and iOS.
Another floating action button menu with expand/collapse behavior. Demo available on
Generate a better rating for your Android app. It is easy to present your users with a dialog begging for a 5-star rating, but it takes a bit more attention to do it right. This small library takes away the boiler plate and makes it easy to ask for a rating the friendly way.
Admob Adapter is an Android library that makes it easy to integrate Admob native ads (both Express and Advanced) into ListView/RecyclerView in the way that is shown in the following image/animation.
Xamarin Binding Library - Mapbox Android SDK - Places Plugin
Xamarin.Android Binding for Deepak Kumar's EasyVideoPicker, an EasyVideoPicker Library for Android
SIRL provided Retail SDK which integrates natively in the SIRL IPS, SIRL's Mapping SDK, and the SIRL Cloud, to facilitate retail features, including product search, single and multi product routing, product based micro-geofences, and more.
icon from
Xamarin.Android bindings for Android Support Library - preference-v7
Xamarin.Android bindings for Android Support Library - preference-v14
Xamarin.Android bindings for Android Support Library - preference-leanback-v17
A customized LayoutManager - fade and shrink the head itemView when scrolling.
Xamarin Binding Library - TargetTooltip for Android
Kforms is an easy to use developer library for creating complex mobile forms. It was built as a cross-platform solution for customizable data collection in software applications. Check out for more information. Most applications have a need for some amount of data collection. Kforms strea...