Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Xamarin Android Support Library - mediarouter-v7

Total dependencies: 103

Android platform specific code for DK.SQLite
Android platform specific code for DK.DeviceInformation
Allows to create rounded cornered view giving control over the corner radius. A container that can contain any ContentView or a subclass of it while controlling the corner radius to cut off unwanted area.
Framework desenvolvido pela GateCode para padrões de projeto Xamarin da GateCode Solution
indigitall's library for Xamarin.Android
Xamarin.Forms View that renders camera preview
Renders a camera preview on a xamarin view
This is the Android counterpart for the Mapbox.Mapcontrol.Forms version.
Internal library used in Pria System projects.
This package provides the capability for you to authenticate users and manage their identities. You can also leverage user identities in other App Center services.
IT-Enterprise CoreDroid for Xamarin Forms