Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Xamarin Android Support Library - appcompat-v7

Total dependencies: 633

Android quantity view with add and remove button to simply use as a complex widget with handful of quick customizations. Source and demo available on project site.
Android Tutorial View. Don't forget to add "Mono.Android.Export" as reference.
Show furigana japanese character in xamarin.Forms
A simple Android's dialog to show fancy content. You need to add a reference to “Mono.Android.Export.dll”
Android library to easy change current locale without having to recreate the activity or restart the app
A simple Android's Floating Action Button that shows an anchored Navigation View and was inspired by Menu Material Fixed created by Tommaso Poletti
Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android authentication library for the ForeSee Services API.
Easy Video Player is a simple but powerful view that you can plugin to your apps to quickly get video playback working.
A casual view that has several common type. Supports Android and iOS
Xamarin.Android Binding for Deepak Kumar's EasyVideoPicker, an EasyVideoPicker Library for Android
Xamarin Binding Library - Mapbox Android SDK - Offline Plugin
This is backdrop control for Xamarin Form looks like Facebook popup page
This is the xamarin library for push notification in mainland china via JiGuang 極光
Xamarin Binding Library - Mapbox Android SDK - Places Plugin
Xamarin Binding Library - Mapbox Android SDK
Xamarin.Android binding library - AccountKit
Build native UIs for iOS, Android, UWP, macOS, Tizen and many more from a single, shared C# codebase
Unofficial Yandex Checkout mSDK ( Xamarin bindings