Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Xamarin Android Support Library - support-vector-drawable

Total dependencies: 168

A collection of simple controls to make Xamarin Forms development easier.
ShimmerViewRenderer implementation for Xamarin.Android
Simple view to draw basic circles.
MvvmCross plugin for creating Android overlay views and show/close it with NavigationService
Mapbox Android Plug-in Offline binding library for Xamarin.Android
Mapbox Android Plug-in LocationLayer binding library for Xamarin.Android
A state-of-the-art OCR module for mobile devices - Android implementation for Xamarin Forms.
BlinkInput Xamarin -native Android SDK binding package.
A Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) is an in-application interactive guidance solution that can be provided as contextual training, help and on-screen guidance for employees or your end-users.
The flexible, easy to use, all in one drawer library for your Android project.
A lightweight, plug-and-play indefinite pager indicator for RecyclerViews & ViewPagers.
A custom view component that mimics the new Material Design Bottom Navigation pattern.
An Android Library to pick dates range, that helps user to select range from future dates.
A Xamarin binding of the Android Image Cropper library based on ArthurHub's work
A TrustSDK binding for Xamarin.Android
Renderer para login com facebook, utilizando xamarin auth
Binding of KeepSafe's TapTarget library
Xamarin Bindings for the Ooyala SDKs