Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Xamarin Android Support Library - support-core-utils

Total dependencies: 232

SquareRatingView Allows you to have a rating view with few important customisations.
Android quantity view with add and remove button to simply use as a complex widget with handful of quick customizations. Source and demo available on project site.
Android Tutorial View. Don't forget to add "Mono.Android.Export" as reference.
MultiFontView library can be used to select custom fonts for the view dynamically in your XML. The library loads the custom fonts using a font cache.
MultiFontView library can be used to select custom fonts for the view dynamically in your XML. The library loads the custom fonts using a font cache.
MultiFontView library can be used to select custom fonts for the view dynamically in your XML. The library loads the custom fonts using a font cache.
Animated Pencil Action view for Android.
A new Material Design text field that comes in a box, based on Google Material Design guidelines.
An android custom view for emoji style rating selection. Don't forget to add "Mono.Android.Export" on your project.
Simple horizontal picker with leftmost element selected.
Xamarin.Android bindings for Android Support Library - preference-v7
Xamarin.Android bindings for Android Support Library - preference-v14
Xamarin.Android bindings for Android Support Library - preference-leanback-v17
Xamarin.Android bindings for Android Support Library - recommendation
An application framework for Cross-Platform development. The framework provides basic commands and interfaces for services to be defined in platform specific libraries.
MvvmCross plugin for creating Android overlay views and show/close it with NavigationService
Xamarin Forms wrapper for android and iOS Intercom SDKs
Messaging plugin for Xamarin and Windows to make a phone call, send a sms or send an e-mail using the default messaging applications on the different mobile platforms.
Mapbox Android Plug-in Offline binding library for Xamarin.Android