Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on XAct.Core.PCL

Total dependencies: 124

An XActLib assembly: a service to persist History with a UI element. Not the same as Trace or Logging.
An XActLib assembly: a Db based implemenation of some of the services contracts defined in XAct.UI
An XActLib assembly: EntityFramework based persistence of security properties.
An XActLib assembly: a library to ease testing of XActLib, as well as applications built with it.
An XActLib assembly: library to implement the persistence of the entities within XAct.Assitance.Tips to a datastore, using Entity Framework.
An XActLib assembly: a library of Common Code for the UI layer of a web application, without being specific to WebForms, MVC or other UI framework
An XActLib assembly: an implementation of XAct.Rules using EntityFramework.
An XActLib assembly: Library to provide services that encapsulate Vision methods
An ActLib Assembly: OBSOLETE: Prefer using XAct.Diagnostics.Status.
An XActLib assembly: an assembly to manage K2 Servers.
An XActLib assembly: an implementation of IHostSettingsService, implemented around the AppSettings section in an app's config file.
An XActLib assembly: providing persistence (using EF) to XAct.Assistance services.
An XActLib assembly: a library for persisting and finding documents stored in Lucene.NET
An XActLib asembly: a wrapper around ArangoDB Client
An XActLib assembly: library of code for working with WebAPI.
An XActLib assembly: an implementation of the contract defined in XAct.Settings.Host.Db, using EntityFramework CodeFirst.
An XActLib assembly: implementations of the contracts defined in XAct.Notifications, using EF.
An XActLib assembly: providing implementations of persistence contracts defined in XAct.Quality.
An XActLib assembly: a Library to work with QuickGraph Graphs.
An XActLib assembly: an implementation of the Markdown contracts defined in XAct.IO.Transformations.Markdown, using the Markdownsharp library.