Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Windows Azure Storage

Total dependencies: 1191

DataContract Serializable TableEntity base class that implements azure table storage ITableEntity interface. For the classes that need to be written to table storage, all that is required is to inherit from this base class and that s all. TableEntity class in the client SDK can be used as a base c...
My package description.
Azure Webjobs SDK Extension for Triggering a Group of Messages
This is a simple .NET wrapper that helps getting data ouf of Yammer using the export API. It also supports exporting binaries and uploading them to an Azure blob storage account. More info
Package Description
Configuration services that read from Azure Table Storage, integrated with Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration
A provider for Azure table storage for the Perfect Shuffle Eventsourcing Library
An Azure Extension to help quick upload/download blob and table
基于Azure Blob的文件存储管理
Convenient Storage
Pacote para integração com upload de arquivos no Azure Storage
Utility functions and extension methods
ATSM gives you a simple API, which you can use in your project to decorate each change in Azure Table Storage. What is more, it lets you to actually change the schema of tables and move data
A library to make life easy when using Azure Table Storage for data storage and retrieval.
Azure Wrappers
K0NRT15 Core App Azure Toolkit
K0NRT15 Core App Extensions Toolkit