Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Windows Azure Storage

Total dependencies: 1191

A NuGet package encapsulating Azure's storage API while maintaining all best practices for security and performance
Arragro provider for Storage (Azure).
Azure Storage Table backend for Akka.Persistence.
The main web module for CloudCore providing the shared views and core user experience.
The core modules required to build CloudCore-based system.
An Azure Table Storage in-memory emulator
This library Juniper contains Azure business reporting utils and uses an high level computation expression on top of the EPPlus excel package to create efficent excel reports.
An InRule® Metric logger for the InRule Rule Engine that can log to Microsoft Azure Table Storage.
Package to bootstrap IdentityServer4 SSO
Scalable, OctopusDeploy-powered webfarm using Windows Azure Web Roles.
A C# framework library for wrapping .NET cache access, including the MemoryCache, AppFabric Cache, Memcached and a disk cache. Use any cache provider in AOP-style, or as an ASP.NET output cache.
Azure Storage O/C mapper (Object to Cloud). Leverage Windows Azure without getting dragged down by low level technicalities.
Microsoft Azure Table Storage helper
AspNet Identity Azure Table Storage Implementation.
Private package for devaxy developers
Xamling Azure for development the Xamling way
Trainer Inside Packager for TI.SharedUtilities