Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on WatiN

Total dependencies: 15

Parse jQuery QUnit JavaScript tests from .NET; you can consequently present the tests and their results in your favourite test library (e.g. NUnit).
Library to run executable specifications using SpecFlow and the Page Object pattern
Fluent Automation is a simplified DSL for web application automation testing.
Provides a number of utilities and helps setup a BDD environment for ASP.Net Entity Framework based applications.
FluentSharp is an API that dramatically simplifies the use of .NET Framework APIs. This dll contains the a Fluent API for WatiN (via ExtensionMethods)
WatiN Extension é uma extensão para o WatiN (Web Application Testing In .Net) using System; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; using MPSC.PlenoSoft.WatiN.Extension.Util; using WatiN.Core; namespace MPSC.PlenoSoft.WatiN.Extension.Testes.Unidade { [TestClass] public class Testa...
Integration with WatiN. Concept of Application and ApplicationLifeTimeContainer. Few extensions to Element, IElementContainer, etc.
For a full description and getting started guide, please visit
Enable writing CSS selectors to select elements in WatiN instead of navigating properties.
WatiN Extensions for MSTest
WatiN Extensions for NUnit
WatiN Extensions for xUnit
WatiN driver for Coypu
A library of .NET components to assist in testing .NET web applications