Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Bootstrap

Total dependencies: 83

My package description.
Template for new, empty MVC4 projects to integrate AngularJs, MVC4, WebApi. Implements a client side Repository pattern and C#-Like controllers.
Scaffolds a Angular application using Kendo UI Web, Bootstrap 3 and RequireJS
This is the template for creating a single page app
Bootstrap for MVC.
A boilerplate Kendo UI SPA app
give you opportunity to style your toggle buttons, with your own css classes or bootstrap predefined button classes customize the callback events, such as onclick, onchecked, & onunchecked.
Joshua 3.0 ContactForm plugin
Joshua 3.0 CustomFields plugins
Joshua 3.0 File Attach plugins
Joshua 3.0 PhotoGallery plugins
This controller for Joshua CMS, use content's path to filter pages from url.
Integrate Twitter Bootstrap into ASP.NET MVC3 applications, focusing on making form validation work as expected.
Package for helping with rapid development of Bootstrap MVC sites
MVC4 Mobile Rapid Templating Helpers
There is a situation that we need user to confirm before they proceed their action. You don’t want to accidently delete very important information. So I come up the idea to extend the bootstrap modal popup to create a confirm modal before calling the function to delete some stuff.