Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Xml.XPath.XmlDocument

Total dependencies: 156

This task can be used to Publish test results and upload test attachments on Azure DevOps The following results formats are supported with this package- 1) JUnit - publish tests from Junit projects 2) NUnit- publish tests from Nunit projects 3) VSTest- publish tests from Visual Studio projects 4...
http middleware for zip nfinal mvc, mvc and .net core
The excel provider for vNext
Create advanced Excel spreadsheets using .Net, Forked from
Integrate with Azure DevOps Server 2022 and Azure DevOps Services from desktop-based, ASP.NET, and other Windows applications. Provides access to the Audit Service via public REST APIs.
PhotoBucket.Net Standard Library, check the GitHub repo. Send pull requests ;)
A framework for resilient coding. The framework provides: basic logging, statistics, forensic logging (and tracing) and exception management (retry policies).
An eco system for inline/scaling workflows and configurable messaging systems/datastores.
Port of Xembly Library from Yegor Bugayenko.
Support online api document for NFinal mvc framework.
A lightweight Html parser for use with native XmlDocument, and XDocument. Fast, memory efficient, tolerant of malformed Html, allows parsing from a stream, and has built-in encoding detection.
A library for Excel export/import. Builds on top of EPPlus, ExcelDataReader and AutoMapper, adding POCO mapping. The development goal is loose coupling between data mapping, formatting and data itself, code brevity and type safety.
.NET CLI Tool to produce markdown documentation from xml documentation